Hunting Requests


There are five Hunting Requests from Mr Hobbs at the Train stations of: Valentine, Armadillo, Van Horn, Saint Denis, Rohdes and Starwberry. Everytime you pick one Request up, you need to completed it and then get the next Request form the next Train station. Read here more about Hunting.

Hunting Requests #1

Perfect Rabbit Carcass,-57.371

The Black-tailed Jackrabbit can be found in a variety of habitats across the states. As herbivores, their diet consists of vegetation forbs, buds, twigs, bark, and crops, which is why they are considered pests. A Varmint Rifle is the ideal weapon to use when hunting rabbits. Rabbit pelts can be used for crafting, and their gamey meat can be used for cooking.

Squirrel Carcass

American Red Squirrels are native to the forested regions of West Elizabeth and New Hanover. As omnivores, their diet consists of small animals such as mice as well as nuts, seeds and mushrooms. Using a Bow with Small Game Arrows will successfully kill the squirrel, but will do less damage to their pelts. Their pelts can be sold to traders, and their meat can be consumed, though it is considered to be rather stringy.

A good Hunting Location for Squirrels is near Eris Fields on Ringneck Creek.. If you did’t complete the

Hunting Requests #2

Perfect Cardinal Carcass

Northern Cardinals tend to inhabit the woodland areas of New Hanover and West Elizabeth. Their omnivorous diet includes grains, weeds, seeds, and fruit. Cardinals can be killed with less impact than other animals. A Bow with Small Game Arrows can be used successfully whilst hunting these birds. The cardinal’s feathers can be used for crafting and their carcasses can be sold to traders.

Not that easy to find. Try to look in the Sky and check if this a Cardinal

Perfect Rat Carcass

Brown Rats can be found in Armadillo and other densely populated areas. Their omnivorous diet is based on scavenging food, as well as grains, seeds, small mammals and birds. It’s considered that a Bow with Small Game Arrows is the most effective way to kill or wound rats. Rat skin can be used for crafting and their stringy meat can be used for cooking.

if you did’t completed the Side-quest in the Saloon in Saint Denis, this the perfect Opportunity, else a good Hunting Location for Rats is near Annesburg, in the Mine If there are are not 3-Star Rats, sleep and come back.

Perfect Woodpecker Carcass

The Red-bellied Woodpecker can be found in Roanoke Ridge. As omnivores, their diet consists of insects, fruits, nuts and berries. A Bow with Small Game Arrows can be used to take down birds of this size, with minimal damage to their carcass. Their carcass and feathers can be used for crafting.

Not that easy to find. A Location for the Woodpecker is near Eris Fields on Ringneck Creek., I found two there sitting on Threes. Use your binoculars and look trough the woods. Or Check Roanoke Ridge.,

Hunting Requests #3

Perfect Chipmunk Carcass

Western Chipmunks are native to forested and brush heavy areas of New Hanover, Lemoyne and West Elizabeth. As omnivores, they forage for seeds, buds, fruits, and nuts. A Bow and Small Game Arrows can be used to hunt chipmunks with minimal damage to their carcasses. Their carcasses can be sold to traders.

Perfect Opossum Carcass

The Virginia Opossum can be found in a variety of habitats across the states. As omnivores, their diet consists of grains, nuts, fruits, amphibians, birds and their eggs, mice, and carrion. The Varmint Rifle is the most effective weapon for hunting these mammals. Opossum meat is stringy but edible, and their skin can be used for crafting.

Perfect Oriole Carcass

Perfect Robin Carcass

Hunting Requests #4

Perfect Songbird Carcass

Perfect Sparrow Carcass

Perfect Toad Carcass

Perfect Skunk Carcass

Perfect Bullfrog Carcass

Hunting Requests #5 (after Epilogue 1)

Perfect Cedar Waxwing Carcass

Perfect Bat Carcass

Perfect Blue Jay Carcass

Perfect Crow Carcass

Perfect Beaver Carcass