Assassin’s Creed IV: Cartographer

To get the Cartographer Achievement you need to visit every location of the game, open your map and look for (?) Icons. Here is list of all 50 locations. Note: Some locations are only available later, as your progress trough the story.

[headline tag=’h4′]major locations:[/headline]
– 1: cape bonavista (179, 593)
– 2: havana (204, 607)
– 3: nassau (633, 784)
– 4: kingston (623, 172)
– 5: long bay (525, 253)
– 6: great inagua (845, 468)
– 7: tulum (70, 405)
– 8: PrÁ­ncipe (992, 422)
– 9: isla Providencia (502, 44)

[headline tag=’h4′]taverns[/headline]
– 1: ÁŽle Á  Vache (843, 140)
– 2: Arroyos (192, 563)
– 3: Salt Key Bank (495, 634)
– 4: Crooked Island (807,541)
– 5: Grand Cayman (397,242)
– 6: Andreas Island (579, 720)
– 7: Corozal (42, 268)

[headline tag=’h4′]Forts[/headline]
– 1: Eleutera (726, 784)
– 2: Dry Tortuga (254, 749)
– 3: Punta Guarico (776, 399)
– 4: Navassa (728, 219)
– 5: Cabo de Cruz (566, 390)
– 6: Casillo de Jagua (356, 559)
– 7: Conttoyor (102, 547)
– 8: Chinchorro (124, 357)
– 9: Serranilla (347, 140)
– 10: Charlotte (470, 272)

[headline tag=’h4′]Underwater Shipwreaks[/headline]
– 1: San Ignacio Wreck (379, 770)
– 2: Antocha Wreck (630, 660)
– 3: The Black Trench (215, 449)
– 4: San Juan (479, 487)
– 5: The Blue Hole (471, 170)
– 6: Kabah Ruins (769, 145)
– 7: Devil”™s Eye Caverns (487, 357)
– 8: Anotto Bay (621, 277)
– 9: Ambergris Key (55, 178)
– 10: La Concepcion Wreck 181, 296)

[headline tag=’h4′]coconut beach, jungles, plantation and caves and ruins[/headline]
– 1: Florida (409, 815)
– 2: Abaco Island (606, 835)
– 3: Santanillas (217, 250)
– 4: Cayman Sounds (327, 334)
– 5: Cumberland Bay (679, 381)
– 6: Mariguana Island (880, 544)
– 7: plantation: Cat Island (742, 695)
– 8 :plantation: Matanzas (333, 650)
– 9: plantation: Tortuga (882, 370)
– 10: plantation: New Bone (442, 118)
– 11: caves: Juguey (565, 539)
– 12: caves: Petite Caverne (901, 263)
– 13: ruins: Misteriosa (307, 195)
– 14: ruins: Pionos Isle (335, 469)

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